Traditions relating to Education, Pregnancy and Childbirth in Nunavik

In this book, four Nunavik Elders – Alicie Koneak, Lizzie Irniq and Maata Tuniq of Kangiqsujuaq and Alacie Kuannanack Tukalak of Puvirnituq – reflect on some of the knowledge and practices involved in Inuit Education.

Sanaaq (french version)

The heroine of the novel, Sanaaq, is a strong and sane woman who is both sensitive and very determined.

Elders Conference 1996

12th Nunavik Inuit Elders Conference, Tasiujaq 1996


Story told by Mattiusi Manukuluk Iyaituk Story one: written and drawn by Qumaq Mangiuk Iyaituk Story two: written and drawn by Passa Mangiuk


New issue of Tumivut is now available. Nunavimmi Unikkaatuat, Legends of Nunavik, Légendes du Nunavik  

Traditional Medicine Project

Compiled by Jonathan Stevens in 1983, the Traditional Medicine Project covers the medicinal knowledge gathered in 13 Nunavik communities.

Transportation 01

An illustrated book about transportation means and other vehicles. About the illustrator Nunga Echalook is a talented young illustrator who was born in Inukjuak, Nunavik. She discovered her talent and love of drawing while taking multi-media training at the vocational school in her community. In 2009, Nunga joined Avataq Cultural Institute’s publications team. Since then she …

Relations on Southeastern Hudson Bay: An Illustrated History of Inuit, Cree, and Eurocanadian Interaction, 1740-1970

A rich textual history in English followed by an extensive bilingual photo history in both English and Inuktitut syllabics, this account tracks the region’s “boom and bust” periods, beginning in the mid 1700s through to the start of the James Bay hydroelectric project of the 1970s that either isolated the Inuit and Cree peoples, one from the other, or brought them together in cooperative efforts.