Kasudluak Encyclopedia, vol. 1

An encyclopedia in two volumes explaining various traditional cultural subjects, illustrated with drawings by Tuumasi Kudluk.

Simon Kasudluak

Elder from Inukjuaq

Qimutjuit – Cousin

Product Description The eight tracks of this album are at times playful, and will appeal to the child in all of us, and at times more serious. In the northern music scene, Qimujuit wrote a song with huge potential written all over it, called “Nunavut” meaning “our land”, before the territory was renamed on April …

Memories of a Kuujjuamiuq

The interview selected for the first publication of Avataq Cultural Institute was given by Willie Cooper, a Kuujjuaq elder, in the spring 1985. It probably is the only interview given by this hunter, deceased in 1986, during his life.

Elders Conference 1994

11th Nunavik Elders Conference, Umiujaq 1994

Kuuvimmut iqalliatut

Story told by Mattiusi Manukuluk Iyaituk Written and drawn by Manu Qaunnaaluk

With the seasons

“With the seasons” exhibition catalog, presented at the McClure Gallery of the Visual Arts Centre from May 6 to 28, 2022. Curator: asinnajaq. Featuring artists: Aisa Alaasuaq Koperqualuk, Joe Talirunili, Jobie Qavavauq, Lucy Aullaq Uppattisiaq Weetaluktuk, Naluturuk Weetaluktuk, The Ivujivik Collective (Louisa Kanarjuaq, Passa Mangiuk, Qumaq M. Iyaituk, Lyne Bastien), Thomassie Mangiok, Tuumasi Kudluk and …