Memories of a Kuujjuamiuq

The interview selected for the first publication of Avataq Cultural Institute was given by Willie Cooper, a Kuujjuaq elder, in the spring 1985. It probably is the only interview given by this hunter, deceased in 1986, during his life.

Sipuuja can dress herself on her own

Written by Elsie Kasudluak Drawn by Qumaq Mangiuk Iyaituk

Qimutsiutiliurniq: How to raise a dog team

The advice of an elder from Inukjuak who possesses a wealth of knowledge on the way to best raise a dog team.

A Short Anthology of popular Nunavik songs

Soon… You can download the book here: songs book

Ulirnaisigutiit an Inuktitut-English Dictionary

An Inuktitut-English Dictionary of Northern Quebec, Labrador and Eastern Arctic Dialects. About the Author Lucien Schneider

Johnny Watt – His Life, His World, His Ways

The remarkable life of an Inuk hunter, river pilot and natural-born leader, who drew on his traditions to guide the Inuit of Northern Quebec past tragedies and loss, and towards the first modern land claims treaty in Canada.

Sanaaq (french version)

The heroine of the novel, Sanaaq, is a strong and sane woman who is both sensitive and very determined.

Kuuvimmut iqalliatut

Story told by Mattiusi Manukuluk Iyaituk Written and drawn by Manu Qaunnaaluk