Sipuuja can dress herself on her own

Written by Elsie Kasudluak Drawn by Qumaq Mangiuk Iyaituk

Kuuvimmut iqalliatut

Story told by Mattiusi Manukuluk Iyaituk Written and drawn by Manu Qaunnaaluk


Story told by Mattiusi Manukuluk Iyaituk Story one: written and drawn by Qumaq Mangiuk Iyaituk Story two: written and drawn by Passa Mangiuk


Story told by Qumaq Mangiuq Iyaituk Story one: written and drawn by Qumaq Mangiuk Iyaituk Story two: written and drawn by Manu Qaunnaaluk Story three: written and drawn by Passa Mangiuk Story four: drawn by Paula Ainalik

Learning to count

An illustrated book of animals from Nunavik, this little book teaches children how to count to ten.

Nanuirtuq/Takusaijuuk mikigianik

Stories told by Siasi Mangiuk Story one: written and drawn by Qumaq Mangiuk Iyaituk Story two: written and drawn by Passa Mangiuk

ᐅᓂᒃᑳᖑᐊᓚᐅᕐᑖ / Unikkaangualaurtaa / Let’s tell a Story (in inuktitut)

This manual contains 26 stories. It has been developped for childcare workers in Inuit communities troughout Nunavik and Canada.

Seasonal Activities

Louie Qungisiruq   Contact us if you want to receive with your order a booklet of English and French translations of this book (this booklet includes translations for the 4 children’s books of this series).  

Inuit tools

This illustrated book describes traditional Inuit tools to children.

Caring for Each Other

Louie Qungisiruq   Contact us if you want to receive with your order a booklet of English and French translations of this book (this booklet includes translations for the 4 children’s books of this series).