Le harpon du chasseur

The publication of Le harpon du chasseur (Harpoon of the hunter) in 1969 marks the beginning of a new era: the first novel written by an Inuit in Canada, it symbolises a historic passage from the spoken word to a written Inuit literature.

Jules Dion, Cinquante ans au-dessous de zéro (french version)

The biography of Jules Dion, Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, relates the story of a life that spans over half a century among the Inuit of Nunavik. Fifty Years Below Zero puts us directly in contact with the daily life of the Inuit, their culture, their way of thinking and their perception of the world. …

Memories from Kuujjuarapik

Jeannie Mippigaq (1885-1987) delivers a dignified and courageous account of her lifetime.

Nouvelle édition : Je veux que les Inuits soient libres de nouveau

Je veux que les Inuits soient libres à nouveau Dans cette autobiographie traduite de l’inuktitut au français, Qumaq porte sur le monde qui l’entoure, un regard personnel et réfléchi qui enregistre les grands changements du 20e siècle. Du tournage du film mondialement connu de Robert Flaherty, Nanook of the North, aux échos de la Deuxième …

The World of Tivi Etok

A total redesigned edition of this book first published in 2008, with many new artworks. The publication of Tivi Etok’s interviews and stonecuts is a valuable source of wisdom and teaching, worthy of close examination. Inuit and Non-Inuit will find in these pages the story of a courageous and artistic life, and a model for …

Johnny Watt – His Life, His World, His Ways

The remarkable life of an Inuk hunter, river pilot and natural-born leader, who drew on his traditions to guide the Inuit of Northern Quebec past tragedies and loss, and towards the first modern land claims treaty in Canada.

Jules Dion, Fifty Years Below Zero (english version)

The biography of Jules Dion, Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, relates the story of a life that spans over half a century among the Inuit of Nunavik.

Sanaaq (french version)

The heroine of the novel, Sanaaq, is a strong and sane woman who is both sensitive and very determined.

Memories of a Kuujjuamiuq

The interview selected for the first publication of Avataq Cultural Institute was given by Willie Cooper, a Kuujjuaq elder, in the spring 1985. It probably is the only interview given by this hunter, deceased in 1986, during his life.

Je veux que les Inuits soient libres à nouveau

In this autobiography translated from lnuktitut to French, Qumaq views the world that surrounds him with a deeply personal and insightful standpoint, that considers the major changes that have occurred during the 20th century.